The Emerging Technologies in the Laptop World

When it comes to computers, you have to be on your toes to be able to catch up with emerging trends and evolutions as there seems to be something new cooking every day. No other industry records the level of technical improvements and technological inventions seen in the computer world. Even the laptop world is not left out in this technological evolutions and emerging trends. Here we will look at some new technologies that make laptops easier to use.


USB Dongle

USB Type-C

USB-Type C may not be a new technology altogether because it has been in use for quite some time now. However, its acceptance as mainstream computer technology is a recent development. It took a while before it became widely accepted because anything that has to do with the USB requires some carefulness before any change can be effected in its format. This is in order not to scare away computer enthusiasts who have become quite accustomed to how the previous version of the USB works. One thing the new USB Type-C has going for it is that you can easily make use of one USB port for all your physical connectivity on your MacBook. But wait. You don’t have to sell your laptop and buy a new one just because it doesn’t have the newest USB port. There are variety of dongles available on the market that will let you connect

IGZO Displays

The IGZO is one new technology that has the potentials of finding a wide range of uses across the tech world. The compound semiconductor of the IGZO promises to be the very foundation of future laptop displays for the next generation. The IGZO comes with unique electron mobility which gives it a higher order of magnitude than the conventional LCD panels. This comes with the added advantage of improving your laptop screen resolution by making the circuits and transistors smaller.

Wireless Charging

If you have ever experienced the constant annoyance traditional chargers bring, you will appreciate the fact that some laptops can now be charged wirelessly. If you plan taking your laptop for outdoor jobs, running out of battery is a risk you won’t want to run. The fact that every laptop model comes with its specific charger means you can’t even borrow when you run out of battery while working on an important task outside your home or office. With the new wireless charging feature, some laptops come with, you can charge anywhere and won’t have to worry about replacing your worn out or malfunctioning charger every now and then.


VR Set on Face

Virtual Reality

The use of virtual reality has prior to this time been limited to the entertainment industry, but this won’t remain so any longer. Now, the virtual reality now acts as the rigs strong enough to power some of the most recent video games on your laptop using the Oculus Rift Support. What this means is that you can now enjoy some of the most exciting games on your PC while on the move.
With these ever-changing trends and new inventions, it is important you always know what is hot in the laptop market when buying to enable you to enjoy all of the great new features and benefits these new technologies bring.